For appointments or enquiries please call our ofice on (03) 9470 8411
Treadmill Exercise Stress Test – Comfortable clothing and walking shoes should be worn.
This test provides information about the likelihood of blockages affecting your heart
arteries. The test is supervised by a doctor at all times. Complications are very rare but
include a risk of heart attack (1 in 1000 patients) and risk of death (1 in 10,000 patients).
You should fast for 2 hours prior to the test. Some medication need to be stopped, check
with your referring doctor or call us. Caffeine products such as in coffee, tea, soft drinks or
chocolate should not be consumed before the test.
Stress Echocardiogram – This is similar to the treadmill exercise test with the exception that
an image of your heart is obtained using an ultrasound before and after exercise. The
supervising cardiologist will look for changes in heart function on the test that may indicate
blocked arteries. Food should not be eaten for 2 hours before the test with no caffeine
products permitted as they may interfere with the result. Wear comfortable clothing and
shoes. As with treadmill stress test, complications are very rare but include a risk of
heart attack (1 in 1000 patients) and risk of death (1 in 10,000 patients).
The test usually takes 40 minutes. Some medication need to be stopped,
check with your referring doctor or call us.